miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011


LAB: Evaluate your progress and practice different skills



ethical choises are very importan in our times, some of the people make choises without a knowloadge, just they think that the choises that they make, would be the better choise, but it isn't right , firts we have to think about what thing can i affect with our desitions, and how we have to be at the moment of being doing or taking desitions.



i think that my values are, responsability, honesty, respect,loyalty LOVE, and others but those are the values that i show most, and those values made me be who am i now.


well i think that the form of dress, is chosen by the person, but sometimes it would be dicted by society status
, the properly way to dress should be, a man with his formal cholthes, casual clothes, and for the woman, the same way too, a casual dress , it looks good!!

 discuss honesty

honesty is so important at this moment for all of us, because this value is dissapearing, most of people already hasn't honesty, it would be great that we can change the form of think of te people now, everything would be better if this can be possible.



well this week we have been talking about values and ethical choises, and now talking about lost&found, we introduce all the thing we said, honesty,first of all, this LOST&FOUND talks about so many things, missing people, missing tihngs, robs, etc, and what we have to make to help , for don't ocurr this things once and once again, we have to work together to make a change, and for make easiest the search of whatever we try to find.

JUNE 20/24

evaluate your progrees and practice different skills!

 Ethics and Values
for me this two things are the most important in our society, because those make us be who we are as a person.
values to me, are that thing what make me be by the way that am i, my personality, my way to see the life.
even when te values have been being taken by a wrong way, in this ageet, is not the same like past ages, today rarely poeple shows her values correctly. and too by the same way the ethics. people hasn't ethic most of the time.
on my case, i like to show who am i! show my values, and act with ethic, as a kind of person who am i, a Future  Industrial engeenier!


private properity
 well i think this is important to have present in our mind, when we see that a property is PRIVATE, we don;t have to be proud for reach that property, because is not of us, is something of respect and values, ethic, we have to respect everithing that doesn't be of us, because we won't like that other persons make us the same thing that we are doing. the respect open some doors, that's why we have to act with respect and show that we have values, education. Respect means be respetcted by others.



well my participation in the EXPOTEC 2011 was short, me and my team of the class of SIMULACION DE PROCESOS, made a simulation of a proces maded in SANTA FE, a food store, and we only present that simulation, and explain it, we take some information of that store ,to can made the program that shows a better on the procces of sells in that store, the main point was that, make a better of a procces!



in this level of study, a level of TECNOLOGICO, we have to take some choises, but , how do we know if we choise is the better?, the only way to know the answer is, trying to make our choises by one ETHICAL way, we have to think after everything to make that choise, think with responsability, anda think about what can i affect with it, and what it goin to bring.



sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

may 23-27

the national anthropology museum.

it is located in mexico city on avenue , Paseo de la Reforma and Calsada Gandhi in colonia Chapultepec Polanco, the nearest subway stations are, Auditorio and Chapultepec.The museo nacional de antropologia opened in 1971, in a fine new building designed by architect Pedro Ramirez Vazquez. the brown flor, focuses on the native cultures and societies of mexico. The famous Aztec Sun stone is only a small part of the fantastic collection of hardwork from the indigenous population of mexico, it is in room 9(sala Mexica) of the museum, it was discovered buried beneath the zocalo in 1790, it was originaly thoughtnto be a calendar and for brief time a sacrifical altar. in the stone's center is the sun god Tonatiuh,the Aztecs belive that prior to their existence the world had one through 4 periods("suns")of creation and destruction, the ringaround the panels is filled with symbols representing the 20 days of the aztecs month, finally 2 snakes form in outer ring and point to a date 1011 A.D when the 5th sun(the aztecs current world)was created.

april 4-8 video report unit 7

what do you think of this color?

the video talk about colors, specially how to choose a color, and what those colors make you feel like, because it's important to know what the colors means for the people and how colors act on people to change the personality and the way how we feel. the colors can  affect the personality, the way that we live,the people with we use to cheer, act in our personality too. and the personality says everything of one pearson.

Unit 6 video march 10

this video is about how to make excuses for decline food, always thers's so many reasons to decline food, like , i'm on a diet,or, i'm allergyc, or, i don't like it betwen other reasons, even when they never tried some of that food, they just think that those excuses are really of them, but isn't really, is something that they want but those reasons does'n help us to reach the goals that we pretend to reach.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

march 14-18 thursday

well the page colorcom.com tell us something about what the colors mean to us and what it produce to us, tthe colors can make changes in a person,making the person feel by different way.
the use of a correct color in a product or in somethin that we usually use can make the fail, and the right use of a color can make something succed. for the right choose of one color is nesesary to make investigation, that helps to project the better for de people.

march 14-18

my favorite color is black , this color means that i'm concervative and aggressive.
the inicial of my names is S,and means that i help others and my life will blossom.
my birth month is December, it says that i'll find my soul mate soon, (i hope so!!).
i preffer white than black sometimes,it means that i'll find my BFF sometime this year.
Francisco is my best friend!!.
10, is how many close friends i'll have in my life.
i preffer drive than fly, it means that i'm laid back.
and for last, a preffer the lakes more than oceans, that means, that i'm loyal to my friends.

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Unit 6 video march 10

the video was about how to make an escuse for decline food,there's always so many reasons to decline food, like: I'm on a diet, or i'm allergic, or i don't like it, betwen other reasons. so they never tried some of that food and they just think that those excuses are really for them, but is not true, it is something that they want to belive, but those excuses will not help us to reach the goals that we have, like diets.
we just have to  eat healthy , it really help us.!

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011


well, about the book i don't have nothing to say, i just hope that it help us in our learning, like the past semester.

 and about the blog, it's something confusing for me, i can't stand the use of it for the learn of the english yet, but maybe later can stand it! i preffer the old way of teaching.!! i need more practice on the sepeak, write, hear and read of english.!

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

HW_february 14

just i want that the environment of the class be great for this semester, that all we can finish our level 6 whit satisfaction..!

HW_february 15

well, i already have olnly one goal for this semester, this goal is, finish my level 6 of english satisfactory.
my commitment is  be a better student, i really wanto to learn the english as much as i can,  and for the class procedures i hope that those procedures help us to make the class more interesting and easy.
