evaluate your progrees and practice different skills!
Ethics and Values
for me this two things are the most important in our society, because those make us be who we are as a person.
values to me, are that thing what make me be by the way that am i, my personality, my way to see the life.
even when te values have been being taken by a wrong way, in this ageet, is not the same like past ages, today rarely poeple shows her values correctly. and too by the same way the ethics. people hasn't ethic most of the time.
on my case, i like to show who am i! show my values, and act with ethic, as a kind of person who am i, a Future Industrial engeenier!
private properity
well i think this is important to have present in our mind, when we see that a property is PRIVATE, we don;t have to be proud for reach that property, because is not of us, is something of respect and values, ethic, we have to respect everithing that doesn't be of us, because we won't like that other persons make us the same thing that we are doing. the respect open some doors, that's why we have to act with respect and show that we have values, education. Respect means be respetcted by others.
well my participation in the EXPOTEC 2011 was short, me and my team of the class of SIMULACION DE PROCESOS, made a simulation of a proces maded in SANTA FE, a food store, and we only present that simulation, and explain it, we take some information of that store ,to can made the program that shows a better on the procces of sells in that store, the main point was that, make a better of a procces!
in this level of study, a level of TECNOLOGICO, we have to take some choises, but , how do we know if we choise is the better?, the only way to know the answer is, trying to make our choises by one ETHICAL way, we have to think after everything to make that choise, think with responsability, anda think about what can i affect with it, and what it goin to bring.
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